Saturday, February 29, 2020

Battles Of The Civil War Essay Research

Battles Of The Civil War Essay, Research Paper John Brown one time said, Now, if it is deemed necessary that I should give up my life for the promotion of the terminals of justness, and mix my blood further with the blood of my kids and with the blood of 1000000s in this slave state whose leotardss are disregarded by wicked, barbarous, and unfair passages, # 8211 ; I submit ; so allow it be done! He believed that the lone manner to free bondage from the United States was through bloodshed. He was right in stating this because on April 12, 1861, the American Civil War began. It was the most destructive war of all time fought in the Western Hemisphere. In footings of human life it was besides one of the most dearly-won wars. There were many different grounds for the Civil War, bondage being the prevailing ground. The immediate ground for the Civil War was the battle between the North and South over Fort Sumter. Lincoln had given South Carolina the pick of either allowing the garrison to keep out or unfastened fire with its shore batteries. In answer, the Southerners commenced fire. The onslaught on Fort Sumter and its gaining control angered many Northerners and began a loyal battle to salvage the brotherhood. One of the first major conflicts of the Civil War was the Battle of Bull Run. Federal military personnels, amounting to 30,000 marched from Washington, D.C. , to assail the Confederate forces positioned near Bull Run Creek at Manassas Junction, Virginia. The Union forces were close to triumph until Confederate supports sent Union military personnels into a retreat back to Washington. This conflict boosted moral of the South and lowered the North s. The North s hope for a short war was shattered. The B attle of Antietam illustrates how bloody the Civil War really was. Lee led his ground forces across the Potomac into enemy district. He hoped that a major Confederate triumph in the North would convert Britain to back up the Confederacy. McClellan, commanding officer of the Union ground forces had intercepted Lee s program and the invading Confederates at Antietam Creek. This was the bloodiest twenty-four hours of all conflicts that went on during the Civil War. Entire casualties for both sides amounted up to over 26,000 work forces, either being killed, wounded, captured or losing. The Battle of Gettysburg was besides one of the bloodiest conflicts. On July 1,1863 Lee and the Confederate ground forces surprised the Federal soldiers at Gettysburg. Through the yearss of conflict much of the Confederate ground forces was destroyed because of Lee s finding to win the war. Much of the Confederates were left for dead and the few that remained alive retreated to Virginia. This conflict was one of the most important conflicts of the war and besides one of the bloodiest. The figure of casualties was the greatest for this conflict, adding up to over 50,000 work forces killed, wounded, losing or captured. A month before Lee surrendered his ground forces President Lincoln was assassinated. His blackwash shocked and horrified many. This was the concluding act of ferociousness during the clip period of the Civil war. John Brown was right in stating that the lone manner to free the United States of bondage is through bondage. The combat between the North and South over slavery provinces and slavery free-states had to stop. Through the loss of lives, the devastation of land and places, and the blackwash of the president the Americans rid themselves of bondage

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Participation 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Participation 4 - Essay Example Probability sampling uses random sampling method, where the researcher selects parties to the study randomly. This ensures that the study eliminates bias and makes it easier for the researcher to estimate the sampling error. In his article painter describes the use of probability sampling in research. The example he focuses on is on selection of households from a certain cross section area. The study may focus on selecting all households, which will include even newer households. Alternatively, in selecting a sample the researcher can exclude the newer households and consider those that have resided in the area for a while. The study, therefore, will use a cluster sample, which will focus on areas with old residents. The focus was on European waters and their efforts to improve the status of these waters. In this study, they use judgmental sampling method. In their research, they have selected certain water bodies that they intend to examine and come up with ways of improving their status. The rationale for using judgemental sampling method is that the water bodies are certain and; therefore, the researcher has to focus on a certain area of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

A Worn Path Eudora Welty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

A Worn Path Eudora Welty - Research Paper Example The old woman’s eyesight is fast failing her but she had to make it to the hospital in the city for the sake of her grandson. Welty gave her work rich symbolic meanings in her attempt to pass her message to her readers. The title itself ‘A Worn Path’ is symbolic of the old woman’s sufferings and determination to have her grandson healed (Deakins 14). The woman must have made repeated journeys to the hospital without giving up on her hope that one day, her grandson would get well. In Phoenix, the writes captures the spirit of perseverance in desperation, the story presents the theme determination and courage through characterization of Phoenix. Nothing other than determination is what inspires the old frail woman to make repeated journeys to the city on foot to seek for a relief for her ailing grandson. Through the actions and treatment of Phoenix by other characters, the theme of courage becomes clear to readers. Eudora Welty has used different literary sty les in achieving her purpose in writing the story. This paper shall focus on her use of symbolism, characterization, and setting to develop the theme of courage in ‘A Worn Path’. Characterization There are several characters in the short story in whose reception and treatment of the old Phoenix portrays her resilient character traits. She is determined to ensure that she gets the medication for he ailing grandson. On her way to Natchez city, the old woman with a failing vision encounters a White Hunter, Black American children, a pedestrian in the city, attendant at the hospital, a nurse at the hospital, and her ailing grandson whom she has lefty back at home. Her courage is seen when she is determined to go through all the hurdles that are presented by nature on her path that passes through the jungle. Phoenix says on her way â€Å"out of my way you foxes, owls, beetles, jack rabbits, coons, and wild animals†¦.† (Welty para 3). When the old woman was trudgi ng through the path uphill, she pauses and looks backs and says â€Å"Up through the pines. Now down through the oak.† (Welty para 5). The woman’s journey is largely tormenting but she is courageous that she would eventually reach the city to get medication for her grandson. When the White Hunter tells her to stay home where there is safety for her frail figure, the old woman says that she must reach Natchez city. Her main goal is to get to the city undeterred by the thorny bushes, steeps, and creeks of the jungle. Her abilities to keep trudging despite her numerous challenges brings her fourth as a very determined old woman who would not bow down to anything other than achieving her desires. Phoenix resilience helps the author in building the theme of courage in the story (Wampler para 1). Phoenix is treated condescendingly by the White Hunter that picks her from a ditch where she fell into. Due to the fact that Christmas holiday was just looming, the White Hunter pre sumes that the old black woman was making such a long journey just to lay her eyes on Santa Claus. He tells Phoenix â€Å"I know you old colored people! Wouldn't miss going to town to see Santa Claus!† (Welty para 19). This statement insinuates some kind of racial bias. The White Hunter is presuming that old black people are such obsessed with Santa Claus to an extent that the woman would just make many miles of a perilous journey just to see Santa Claus. Even when the White Hunter points his gun at her, Phoenix seemed unperturbed by the threat of the gun. At the clinic from